Guard management utilising GSM rugged devices and Bluetooth beacons
Its estimated that between 15 000 to 20 000 new members join the private security industry each month making guard management an essential area of focus for key strategies such as automation and tracking. Using GSM rugged devices and Bluetooth technology, employee productivity is increased and multiple guard patrol routes are streamlined; ultimately delivering faster, more efficient reaction times to live incidents occurring on site.
Managing teams of security guards can be challenging for any size business especially if your clients’ requirements mean your teams are spread over large facilities, structures and outdoor terrains. Supervisor and manager accountability are just as important; not only to ensure guards on the ground are doing their job but so they may also be answerable for the guards own safety and protection.
Equip your guard team with the right tools
The fastest and most effective means of managing your guarding staff is through modern technology that allows for automated software, GSM rugged devices, Bluetooth beacons, GPS tracking, and other key touch point features that allow you as a guarding company owner to be both accountable as well as deliver on your client expectations.
Accurate reliable mobile technology in South Africa for the guarding industry comes with the OnGuard Mobi app, a customised security and monitoring guard tour technology system designed to provide detailed analysis, data recording, and real time communications between the patrolling guards and supervisors without the need for outdated paper based systems of the past.
The most important benefit of the app
Guarding duties require the skills of observation, instant response and accurate reporting in order to avoid, contain or respond to incidents which threaten the security of a site.
This is where Onguard shines. Using automated software, GPS tracking and an Android or Apple phone app it delivers guarding companies with high quality, live incident reporting direct to the control room through real-time voice, voice recordings, photographs, imagery and GPS locations for on-site incidence mapping.
During guarding duties, guards are remotely clocked in at required system points that are Bluetooth connected and not detectable to the eye. Should a guard not report at a scheduled system point, the supervisors are automatically alerted.
With real time #pushtotalk voice connectivity between guards and supervisors, communication is enhanced, and supervisors can change patrol patterns and send reminders to guards in the moment.
With real-time remote tracking between both the site situation and the off-site supervisor command room the resultant efficiency and reaction times are drastically improved.
South African guard management Success
According to CEO Richard Frost, the Onguard Mobi app streamlines your check-in system across multiple guard patrol routes to deliver faster, more efficient reaction times, “Essentially it’s a mobile guard patrol monitoring system built into a touchscreen phone for supervisors to monitor and communicate with individual guards over multiple guard routes and activities.
“We easily integrate it into your existing security management platform and provide you with custom solutions across incidence reporting, management and guard patrolling, delivering our guard management clients with a 24-hour awareness of present time incidence occurring on site.
“We have any number of success stories from satisfied clients and we certainly believe that it is one of the best means available to monitor lives and assets that keeps guarding staff on hand and in touch.”
Ask for a demonstration of OnGuard Mobi from one of our trained consultants for a faster, more reactive security management system.