Efficient and accurate guard rostering eliminates expensive overtime and prevents duplicate scheduling of staff within your guard patrol management system. OnGuard’s Guard Rostering is a free add on rostering module that allows you to schedule your staff across multiple locations without the need to download or install any software since the service is web based.
Guard Rostering means that, taking the current wage determination in South Africa into account, you can find the most cost-effective shift pattern for each guard patrol site. What is an efficient shift pattern? One that can place the correct guard, on the correct site, for the correct number of hours within the standard four shifts on, two shift off guarding schedule.
Guard Rostering streamlines your patrol management shift patterns so they no longer include overtime or non-productive time accumulated. Guard Rostering further assists you in assessing if you have a complement of excess or spare guards under each area’s operational control, that reflect staff that need to be used as relievers when guards go on leave or staff to take the place of guards that don’t arrive for work or who are sick during a specific shift.